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Dewey Decimal Classification Subject Areas
000 Karya Umum
001 Knowledge
002 The book
003 Systems
004 Data processing Computer science
005 Computer programming, programs, data
010 Bibliography
020 Library and information sciences
028 Reading, use of other information media
070 News media, journalism, publishing
080 General collections
100 Filsafat dan Psikologi
101 Theory of philosophy
106 Organizations of philosophy
107 Education, research in philosophy
108 Kinds of persons in philosophy
109 Historical treatment of philosophy
110 Metaphysics
120 Epistemology, causation, humankind
140 Specific philosophical schools
150 Psychology
152 Perception, movement, emotions, drives
153 Mental processes and intelligence
155 Differential and developmental psychology
160 Logic
170 Ethics (Moral philosophy)
190 Modern Western philosophy
200 Agama
201 Philosophy of Christianity
204 Special topics
207 Education, research in Christianity
2x Islam
2x0 Islam Umum
2x1 Al Quran dan Ilmu Terkait
2x2 Hadist dan Ilmu Terkait
2x3 Aqoid dan Ilmu Kalam
2x4 Fikih
2x4.2 Muamalah
2x5 Akhlak dan Tasawuf
2x6 Sosial dan Budaya Islam
2x6.3 Ekonomi Islam
2x7 Filsafat dan Perkembangannya
2x7.1 Ushuludin dan Pemikiran Islam
2x7.2 Dakwah Islam
2x7.3 Pendidikan Islam
2x8 Aliran dan Sekte
2x9 Sejarah, Islam dan Modernisasi
300 Ilmu Sosial
301 Sociology and anthropology
302 Social intercd /ction
303 Social processes
304 Factors affecting social behavior
305 Social groups
306 Culture and institutions
307 Communities
320 Political science
330 Economics
332 Financial economics
333 Land economics
335 Socialism and related systems
336 Public finance
338 Production
340 Law
342 Constitutional and administrative law
344 Social, labor, welfare, and related law
345 Criminal law
346 Private law
347 Civil procedure and courts
348 Law (Statutes), regulations, cases
370 Education
371 School management; special education
372 Elementary education
375 Curriculums
378 Higher education
379 Government regulation, control, support
380 Commerce, communications, transport
383 Postal communication
384 Communications Telecommunication
400 Bahasa
401 Philosophy and theory
402 Miscellany
403 Dictionaries and encyclopedias
404 Special topics
406 Organizations and management
407 Education, research, related topics
408 With respect to kinds of persons
410 Linguistics
411 Writing systems
418 Standard usage Applied linguistics
420 English and Old English
421 English writing system and phonology
422 English etymology
427 English language variations
428 Standard English usage
430 Germanic languages German
440 Romance languages French
490 Other languages
492 Afro-Asiatic languages Semitic
500 Sains Dan Matematika
502 Miscellany
510 Mathematics
519 Probabilities and applied mathematics
550 Earth sciences
559 Earth sciences of other areas
570 Life sciences
577 General nature of life
600 Teknologi
607 Education, research, related topics
609 Historical, areas, persons treatment
610 Medical sciences Medicine
612 Human physiology
800 Sastra
807 Education, research, related topics
809 Literary history and criticism
900 Sejarah dan Geografi
909 World history