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This is a proceeding consisting of my article entitled Instructional Management of Entrepreneurship Education to Establish Students Enterprises for Employability at Balitar Islamic University: An Action Research (Dipublikasikan pada 11th ADRI Proceeding of International Multidiciplinary Conference and Call Paper.
2018 •
This thoroughly updated new edition of an already popular text brings together specially-commissioned chapters by leading authorities, rigorously edited to ensure systematic coverage. It provides students with an accessible and up-to-date thematically-structured comparative introduction to Southeast Asia today.
International Journal of Business and Management Vol. II (2) 2014
Landscape of HEI and Quality Challenges in AEC 20152014 •
AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) 2015 envisaged the goal of regional economic integration of the 10 ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nation) economies by December 2013, under 4 main pillars of which it claims to have achieved 73.6% of its targets. MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) and ADB (Asian Development Bank) statistics, researches and reports painted a different picture of the awareness, degree of readiness, and its socio-economic, socio-political and socio-cultural in the ASEAN members. This paper aims to look at the overall AEC 2015 country’s readiness; potential socio-economic, socio-political and socio-cultural factors can affect education and quality in the HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) in the wake of AEC 2015. While recognizing that many international bodies have covered the issues, challenges and made recommendations at the macro levels for national actions and development, this paper also looks at the micro level of the institutional internal and external processes and people that can contribute to laying stronger foundations at the forefronts of 1) for students’ values and conscientious reforms; 2) institutional values and conscientious reforms; 3) the institutional balancing of its sustainability through planning and quality management; and 4) Societal Responsibility. These are discussed from the “moral and values” aspects of the mitigations of the socio-economic, socio-political and socio-cultural issues that each individual HEI can contribute to building the “character and moral foundations future generation of leaders through the HEI processes and people”.
New Perspectives on Indonesia: Understanding Australia's Closest Asian Neighbour
Engaging Indonesia’s Youth [Open access]2014 •
Indonesia is often described by diplomats and politicians as Australia's most important relationship. This report explores the diverse experiences of youth in Indonesia and their role in shaping the social and political landscape in the context of Australia-Indonesia relations. It begins with a brief overview of young people’s role in influencing Indonesia’s political history, and subsequently showcases new research that identify issues faced by young people in relation to the economy (research by Thijs Schut on un(der)employed youth in Flores), religion (research by Hariyadi on Islamic films and self-help books) and environmental education (research by Kelsie Prabawa-Sear on environmental education in high schools). It ends with a discussion of Australia’s engagement with Indonesian youth. The report is part of a volume published by the Perth USAsia Centre, "New Perspectives on Indonesia: Understanding Australia's Closest Asian Neighbour". The volume was commissioned to contribute to the body of knowledge on Indonesia, especially now that the new president, Joko Widodo has taken office. This volume brings fresh perspectives on Indonesia and what the changes in Indonesian politics, diplomacy, and society mean for Australia - Indonesia relations and for the Indo-Pacific international system. It includes an overview of Indonesia's relations with other Asian powers, its economic potential, and profiles of selected ministers in Joko Widodo's working cabinet.
Abstract:The studyaimed to analyze the typology of competitiveness and economic performance of East Java’s regencies/cities, and investigate the influence of regional competitiveness to ward their economic performance.Moreover, the study appliedquantitative research approach which employedsome analysis instruments, namely: Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Regression Analysis and Region Typology. The resultsshowed: 1) The typology of competitiveness of regionswhich includes category I, II, III and IV were 31.58%, 26.32%, 15.79%, and 26.32%; 2) Competitiveness which compriseregional strength indicator, public service facilities, and investment climate proved to affect economic performance; 3) The investment climate had the greatest role compared with regional strength and public service facilities aspects; 4) Regional strength aspects that contributed significantly to the competitiveness was the quality ofhuman resources; 5) Obligatory functions service to provide educational infrastructure hadgiven largest contribution to the determinant of regioncompetiveness. Keywords:Competitiveness, Economic Performance, East Java
Information and communication technology in construction industry suffers a lot of setback due to the lack of detailed knowledge on its advantages. However, it raises alarm that causes the following research question need to be asked: what is the extent of ICT perceptiveness among contractors for construction site management in Nigeria. The purpose of this study is to assess the perception of contractors in terms of awareness and ICT devices usage. 519 questionnaires were employed for the data collection, and SPSS version 19 was used for the data analysis. The findings show that the contractors are not well knowledgeable about the ICT and its benefits, because the result revealed that their perception is nominal, not very effective. Therefore, by assessing the extent of contractors ICT perception, empirical evidence has been provided for the governments and construction industries to proffer a way of enlightenment to the contractors regarding the advantages and benefits of using ICT devices.
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Proceeding of International Joint Seminar The Contribution of Education Institution to ASEAN Economic Community
The effect of organizational commitment and work environment on job performance of educational employees in YogyakartaProceeding of International Joint Seminar The Contribution of Education Institution to ASEAN Economic Community
Developmental guidance and counseling comprehensive in Indonesia2013 •
Students Internship Project as One of Learning Experiences
Proceeding International Conference and Workshop on Gender
Proceeding International Conference- ICWG LIPI 2018.pdf2018 •
2018 •
Burapha University, Thailand
Village institutional phenomenon in the base sector through the village funds for business efforts in the underdeveloped area2018 •
International Multidisciplinary Conference by ADRI
Local Wisdom Prosiding ADRI.pdfProceedings 11th ADRI 2017 International Multidisciplinary Conference and Call For Paper
Packing Local Wisdom In The Vessel Of The Global Economy: A Study Of Economic GlocalizationE-PROCEEDING ICASPGS & ICBAP 2018
Policy Analysis on the Maximum Limit of Occupational Expenses in Article 21 Income tax Calculation2019 •
Compliance Cost Analysis in Post Implementation of Electronic Withholding Tax Slip (Study on E-Bupot Phase 1 User Taxpayers)2019 •